What is so Ridiculous is the liberal media which bemoans the execution of Saddam. Why do they grieve? I have no idea, nor will I ever. My only guess is that libs become upset at whatever good Bush achieves... no matter if it's a ban on partial birth abortion (which should've been a ban on ALL abortions), lower taxes (which created more benefits than a higher minimum wage or more health care combined), or the strengthening of America's anti-terror defenses.
If you oppose the invasion of Iraq on religious grounds, you need to become Catholic (the religion of reason.) Common sense gives a place for justified war and executions. Mass murderers always deserve the short end of the stick. Why? If not executed, the potential for future victims increases.
If you oppose the invasion of Iraq for political reasons (i.e. since I am liberal, I will disagree with whatever Bush does) think of the invasion in this sense.
Remember Al Capone? He was a dirty rotten thief who killed hundreds of people and broke thousands of laws. Everyone knew Al should be put in jail for his actions... but no hard evidence could connect him to the physical crimes committed. So, the only way to nail Al was through a technicality. He was found guilty of tax evasion. Boom, Al spent the rest of his life in jail. Back then, political correctness was unheard of. Everyone knew Al deserved his sentence, and no one complained.
Saddam's Iraq was invaded on a technicality; WMDs. A viable pretense for wiping out a genocidal maniac. He had 14 chances to prove there were no WMDs in Iraq (which new inside sources say Saddam moved the weapons to Syria before our invasion.) After 14 tries, the USMC had to prove Iraq was WMD free.
Using common sense, I still support the initial invasion of Iraq and the subsequent hanging of Saddam. Both were good events.
Funny how liberals invoke "humanity" and "compassion" as arguments against the invasion of Iraq and execution of Saddam, yet support the killing of innocent children in the name of "privacy."
Liberals must have "Uncommon Sense."