Candice Hardwick, 15, walks to school with H.K. Edgerton, a former NAACP leader from North Carolina who is board chairman of the Southern Legal Resource Center, on Monday, May 22, 2006, in Latta, S.C. Terry Edgerton, left, brother of H.K. Edgerton, plays the drum as they march down the street to Latta High School. Hardwick is protesting her school's ban on wearing Confederate flag clothing. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)
On a side note, my dad is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans , SCV (of which I will join shortly.) The SCV has many black members whose family members fought for the South. Blacks are some of the most loyal members of the Society, whose main purpose is to preserve the history and memorials of those who fought for the South. A little known fact in the world of political correctness.
If niggers can wear FUBU, why can't white trash wear Dixie Outfitters?
The South lost. Get over it.
Which is basically the same thing as telling the 8th grade Jenkins' Boys Club Bulldogs to get over losing to the New York Knicks by one point because all of their players fouled out. That's how close it was.
Will, are you drunk? Stooping to racial slurs destroys our credibility. Thanks, asshole, now we look dumb.
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