Norris isn't just a mindless butt kicker; he puts some thought into the fight of good versus evil. Just look at some of his quotes.
"The primacy of a woman's rights prevailed and the rights of the unborn were not only abandoned, but their nature legally reduced to nonhuman. "
"And guilt and accountability are often subsided by an interchange in language: instead of baby we say fetus; instead of killing we say aborting; instead of dissect we say research; instead of extermination chambers we say abortion clinics – ad nauseam."
Norris does have his faults. An illegitimate child, cheating on his wife, and various other day to day Hollywood scandals. But, everyone can do penance... and he still knows a good fight when he sees one.
Next on the list: Iran.
After writing this article Chuck Norris promised to stop washing his clothes in the ocean. The tsunamis were killing people. (A bad joke copied from a Chuck Norris website.)
1 comment:
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits...
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