Monday, November 14, 2005

The Books Are Open

Saturday afternoon, Mike somehow cut his toe and got a few tiny spots of blood on the carpet. If you didn't know, Mike freaks out about carpet. So, he got out his bottle of spot remover and went to work immediately. Being the absent-minded retard that he is, he left the bottle of spot remover and the paper towels he used right there, in the middle of the living room floor. The carpet is also covered with golden strings of pom-pom, the result of Tech's loss to Virginia on Saturday.

The over/under on Mike cleaning up his mess is 5.5 days from Saturday, with Thursday being the fifth day. What say you, BMBS?


HANK said...

I say 7 days. You may be forgetting the Dale factor. Since she goes crazy about everything in disorder, I say Mike will have to conform to her standards.

HANK said...

I meant to say that Mike will be cleaning that spot for 7 days to get the spot out. I remember when I put a whole in the wall while moving you two in the condo. Mike pitched a hissy fit.

Pinkie said...

The issue is not when the spot will be cleaned. Mike already cleaned the spot. But he left the cleaner and paper towels on the floor in the middle of the living room after he was done. That is the issue. When will he throw away the paper towels and put the can of spot remover back where it belongs?

tim said...

Is the spot remover in question in the middle of the room or off to the side? I am going to say that if it is in the middle of the room, it will be picked up by the end of the week(under). But, if it is to the side, I say that it will never be picked up and that you will lose your security deposit because of it.

Pinkie said...

The bet is off. Either Mike read this post or he received a tip. The first thing he did when he came come was clean up the mess on the floor. Then, he left his AJC spread out in front of the recliner. I'll bet that stays there for at least 3 days.