Monday, March 13, 2006

"Well, Goddamn!"

"Hey Mr. Leonard, don't worry about those ol' bastards. Y'all need to start yo' own damn group. You know I was the youngest Grand Knight eva of the K of C downtown? Damn right I was. I was about yo' damn age and those old asses wouldn't let us into their groups either. So you know what I did? I stood up on the baar at the Knights and said "Well, Goddamn! Let's start our own damn group." That's how I started the Friendly Sons."


Pinkie said...

Truly, an inspiration to us all.

Michael said...

Does anybody know what time Pinkie's is going to open on Friday? I have to walk to the Hyatt at 7, and wanted to get a Bloody Mary for the trip.

HANK said...

I don't know. Does Pinkie's even have a website?