Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Advice for Women

We at BMBS are thankful that we are fortunate enough to enjoy a small but devoted female audience. It is to those readers that I give the following message with hopes that they'll pass it along to their friends.

I know many women out there like to date the "tough guys" or "bad boys." Maybe they think they can change these Neanderthals or maybe they just really like assholes. I don't know, but please be careful. Your tough guy lover may shoot you in the head from distance with a rifle or set you on fire.

Take care.


Michael said...

Now go make me a sammich!

MacKenzie said...

Joe, thank you for this enlightening yet disturbing PSA.


Devoted Female Reader

Anonymous said...

Joe, unfortunately I am one of many women who date a so-called "bad boy" and I so appreciate your concern and awareness.