Thursday, April 08, 2010

Georgia Sports Weekend 2010

Really glad basketball is over. Especially after I lost $110 on Duke (thanks, Tim).  That means it's time for $1.25 pimento cheese sandwiches, 50 yard-line club-level seats at Sanford, and sorority girls at Turner Field.  Yea, I know it's gay to talk about seasons, but this is without question the best time of the year.    


tim said...

Youre welcome. (in the voice of nick burns, the company computer guy)

Shane said...

Lets be honest. You could care less about the sports. There are only two real reasons you think this is the best time of the year--its wedding season and you can final brush the dust off of your sear sucker suit.

Patrick said...

Correct Shane. Seer-sucker suits, "goofy" sunglasses, trucker hats, Robert E. Lee paraphanalia . All part of my secret arsenal to fake people out into thinking I have personality, which ironically leaves me with even less personality than I started with.

HANK said...

I know what you mean Pat.
When my long time friends aren't around, during the summer I introduce my first name as "Saunders."

You won't believe the respect I gain from frat bro Craven Fontaine, whose dad hails from Rhode Island but relocated to Stars Mill during the .com bubble.