Wednesday, July 05, 2006


As some of you witnessed on Sunday, I was tricked into getting a citation for having glass on the beach at Tybee. I just called to find out the grand total of the fine, and it comes out to a whopping $87.50. As was agreed to after the ponytail having douchebag left, we were going to split up the ticket between those who contributed to drinking from said glass bottles. Please fess up and help me pay for this, as I seriously don't have $87.50 to foot the bill with. Post a comment or send me a message to help remedy this as soon as possible. Thanks.


HANK said...

I will pay an equal share, I drank one beer.

There was only one beer left after I got home.

TC said...

i didn't have any of the heiniken because i am not black.

i wish i could help even though i didn't have any of the glass beers, and i'm not trying to be an ass, but i really just can't give any.

i had a great time seeing everyone, though.

TC said...

i do have one question, michael are you setting up a paypal account for this?

Michael said...

I just paid off the Tybee Police Dept. so that they don't put out a warrant for my arrest.