Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Weekly Update

Just a few things to cover:

First, Jue is coming up here this weekend. Since the departure of Jue last summer and Leonard last December, Athens has been in a party recession. We look forward to the return of these two great individuals.

Second, American economic growth clocked in at a brisk 3.8% last quarter, the fastest in the developed world (even though the New York Times chose not to report it). Meanwhile, the German unemployment rate is at an all-time high of 12.6% (ours is 5.2%). Kudlow also has two great posts about the benefits of the spread of capitalism and the democratic "domino" effect going on in the Middle East right now because of Iraq. His new show that comes on at 5 pm on CNBC is fabulous, and much better than The UC or whatever.

And last, I'm kicking Arvind off. It appears that his online contributions, like his real-life contributions, amount to nothing. So after I post this, I will take great pleasure in kicking his ass off.

1 comment:

Pinkie said...

If you want to make an omelet you gotta break a few eggs.