Monday, March 22, 2010

"Landmark" Legislation

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Jefferson

I really don't have time to write a lot on this like in the old days, but suffice it to say that Congress has just passed a 2,500-page monstrosity that seriously erodes our freedoms, creates an entire generation of new government dependents, explodes an already-busted federal budget, all the while doing absolutely nothing to actually bring down health care costs.  Premiums will continue to soar because more people will have more employer-based insurance (which is the root of the problem to begin with).

But let's look on the bright side:  now more taxpayers will be even more responsible for subsidizing those that can't afford to buy coverage.  Employers will be punished and fined unless they give their workers the very form of insurance that causes health care costs to skyrocket out of control in the first place.  And finally, those cavalier rapscallions that choose not to buy insurance go precisely where they belong:  directly to jail!  Now that's truly the America I know and love!  

This is because the philosophy behind Democratic policy-making over the last 70+ years has been simple: create more Democrats. And the best way to do this is to make people more dependent on government than ever so that, come November, they will have no choice but to pull the lever with the "D" next to it. In that cause they have certainly succeeded: more people, both poor and middle-class, are now dependent on Washington than at any time in history. The portion of workers that actually pay income tax today is the smallest on record, while the portion of wage-earners that pay none has nearly reached a majority.  Meanwhile, the percentage of voters that benefit from social security, Medicare, Medicaid, S-Chip, federal education grants, FHA loans, and a bazillion other needless programs is easily the largest number we've ever seen.  Wonder who all these folks will choose come election time?  The party that pledges to maintain and expand these handouts or the one that wants to take them away? 

The good news is that some people are finally waking up:  according to a CNN poll, 59% of registered voters oppose the bill passed last night.  All I know is that if I'm a Republican running this fall, this would be my 5-point platform:

1.  Repeal of the health care bill
2.  A balanced budget amendment
3.  Term limits
4.  Allow workers under 55 to opt out of Social Security and Medicare
5.  Allow workers to opt out of the tax code and instead pay a 15% or 25% tax rate with no deductions.


Barstool69 said...

a while back I asked you "how is starving the beast with tax cuts supposed to work if the beast can run deficits?". you said eventually the lawmakers would face the pressure and reform. hope this happens soon, but it aint lookin good right now.

Barstool69 said...

2-3 most def.

optional flat tax is interesting - hadn't thought of that.

remember, part of that % is people who think the Dems didn't go far enough.

HANK said...

I would love to see the flat tax come about. I enjoy being a tax accountant only because it makes me money. I find no joy in reading the irrational tax code.

But, I'm afraid we'll never see the flat tax. The Code is the great tool used by politicians to satisfy their lobbyist and/ or constituents.

If you've ever read the Code, the best parts are always towards to bottom. Take a gander, and you'll see how good it is to be a farmer in the US of A.

Ryan said...

Perfectly put, Pat. It's all pretty astonishing.

Shane said...

Pat, does anything ever become privatized after become public? I know there is a case to privatize the Postal Service and there probably is an obvious example of something that was government run and is now in the hands of private owners, I just can't think of one.

Do you think the healthcare insurance industry will ever be at the whims of a completely free market?

Michael said...

And what are the chances of ever getting the health care bill repealed? From everything I've read, none.

Patrick said...

Shane - privatization has happened and has worked, but only when done correctly. It hasn't happened here much because we still don't have nationalized industries, but it happened in the UK under Thatcher in the 80's and was deemed by just about everyone to a huge success.

PBS ran a really good 3-part special a few years back called Commanding Heights. If you get some time I would rent/buy it. I think it would be a great investment for you and Hank's household. You will both enjoy it, trust me.

Weazle said...

What office are you running for?