Thursday, April 20, 2006

Going Solo

Continuing the recent trend of BMBS bloogers going solo (Ryan and Joe), I have started a new blog devoted entirely to BC athletics. Check it out at I am basically going to rip off the Savannah Morning News and add my own additional comments. I hope ya'll enjoy it.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

In 1954, during the era of a virtually unanamious consensus for big-government Keynsian liberalism, when commentators were proclaiming American conservatism all but dead, William F. Buckley founded National Review. The weekly journal's intellectual influence set into motion a slow but sure turning of the political tides that eventually culminated in Reagan's watershed landslide victory in 1980.

Similary, in 2006, when Groves and Country Day capture all the Saturday morning headlines in the fall, when increasing numbers of 8th-graders at St. Peters just can't wait to be "Raiders", and with the seemingly-immiment retirement of legends like Owens and Cannon, BC is in desparate need of a spiritual revival.

I am pleased to discover this much-needed outlet to rally support for the Cadets under one, flagship website. hasn't been updated in years, but BC Gottum proves that all it takes is somebody with that special "will" power.