Friday, December 23, 2005

Bush is Drunk

No, this is not a political posting. Lord knows that I'd rather be watching The OC (Happy Chrismukkuh, on that note) than the news. This is a link to a video that slows down a press conference video to make Bush appear like he's been reliving the glory days in the Memorial Stadium parking lot.

Serious question, though: Are presidents allowed to get drunk? What if Bush picked a random day next month to drink himself to sleep at the White House and that night a major terrorist attack happened? Honestly, I'd like to know the course of action from that moment.


Joe said...

I saw a video of W apparently outside a wedding reception. He looked as though he had a few cocktails in him, which I believe is totally acceptable in a President. The reporter was just asking him questions about his friends who just got married, but his responses were hilarious. When asked about the groom, he replied with something along the lines of, "he's a very boring person. Hates to smoke, doesn't lie to drink. Only in America can a guy like him even find work." I saw it on Big Boys or eBaum's World or something like that. Funny stuff.

TC said...

I saw that video too, joe. they kept asking him about people and he would say "Good marathon runner, very boring person." I LOLed!!!