Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Finish the Drill

I have a proposal: We ensure that there is a daily post on this blog. There are eight of us on here, and believe it or not, we are not the only ones who read this thing. Each of us probably knows at least a few of their friends or whoever who come here to pass 2 minutes of their boring day. I personally am asked on a frequent basis by different folks why there hasn't been a post in such a long time.

I think a big reason I don't post a lot is because, for some reason, I feel like my posts have to be these long, well-thought out, multi-layered novels. I'll get ideas for things or stories I want to write, but feel like it will take too long and I end up just putting it off. If you find yourself thinking similarly, let's try to break that habit. Our posts don't have to be 5 paragraphs; even one-liners are okay. I bet all eight of us come here at least once every day to see if there is a new post, only to proven correct, and not even make our own post.

Here's a question: What do y'all think of Joe Lieberman? Comment now.


Patrick said...

Lieberman is just about the only Democratic foreign policy hawk, which is good. However, he's still liberal domestically (voted against the tax cuts, pro gun control, pro-choice). Nevertheless, he has a lot more courage than Republicans do right now.

Anyway, this blog is far from dead. Now that I'm back in school, I'll probably be posting more. There will be plenty to talk about this Fall, including elections in November. As long as government exists, I'll have something to post, because, as many of you know, I generally don't think government should exist. Another driving factor continues to be that about 95% of Americans don't care about/don't understand economics. This also gives me work to do.

Also, today, if I'm not mistaken, BC is having something tonight where Herndon will speak. I'm sure Will or Stephen will keep us posted.

tim said...

For the record, if anyone needs a place to stay for the BC/Butler game you are welcome to stay at my house. Ryan is already staying with me, so he gets the pullout couch. I have another couch and a few chairs that could be slept on. Also, you could bring a blow-up matress or sleeping bag as well. The Ole Miss/Georgia game is the next day and you guys are welcome to stay for that as well.

Ryan said...

That is going to be an awesome weekend.

TC said...

Lieberman is a liberal who has a fantastic relationship with the Jews because he is one.

That is my two cents.

Joe said...

He's a douche. I wouldn't hang out with him.

HANK said...

I think I'll stay at the House of Leonard

Pinkie said...

I'm staying with you, Tim. I don't feel like getting up at 6:30 Saturday morning to grate cheese at the House of Leonard.