Friday, October 12, 2007

Savannah Morning News Letter of the Week

Steve Willis of Savannah has brought home another victory in our Letter of the Week.

America out of step on Iraq

Over 90 percent of the people in Europe and Iraq believe that the United States is in Iraq in order to control the Iraqi and Middle Eastern oil.

They think we want to stay until the oil runs out. In the United States this point of view is almost never heard. Americans almost universally believe that we are in Iraq to subdue terrorism, and that everyone, including the administration, wants to get out as soon as safely possible.

But the European and Iraqi thoughts make a lot more sense. There are no known links between Iraq and 9/11, and there were no ties between Al Qaida and Iraq before the U.S. invasion, and it certainly looks to me that the Bush administration is willing to do or say just about anything to keep us in Iraq.

Does anyone really think anyone would be very interested in the Middle East if there were no oil there? I can't say for sure what is going on, but I don't like the apparent complete unwillingness of the powers that be in America to discuss the opinion held by the vast majority of people throughout the world. I don't like it at all.



Steve’s written to the Savannah Morning News to wake us up again for the real reason for the US’s presence in Iraq. Apparently, over 90% of Europeans (Which ones?) and Iraqis (How’d you survey them?) believe we are in Iraq strictly for oil. Also, that 90% believes we intend to stay there until the oil runs out, which would take a few hundred years. Evidently, Mr. Willis conducted this survey himself. Mr. Willis later shifts gears from 90% of Europe and Iraq to say that “the vast majority of people throughout the world” shares this opinion.

This guy's good.

This letter, and really Mr. Willis’s life can be summed up with the line, “I can’t say for sure what’s going on.” Well, Steve, you may not know what's going on, but we still love reading what you think about it.


HANK said...

Anyone who goes by "Steve" is a douche.

I will copy and paste my response to his last letter.

(I think Steve does not have a lot of friends in Savannah, and is merely writing these letters to fish for a pat-on-the-back.)

"There is one thing I agree with Mr. Steve.

I too believe the Iraq War is caused by oil. But, unlike Mr. Steve, I support the war.

I don't think we went to Iraq for profits and a larger oil supply. We have ample reserves off our coast and especially in Alaska (which Liberals refuse to allow the US to tap because of "Save the Environment" B.S. Who gives a damn about 300 useless sea otters anyways?)

Why do we want to control Iraqi Oil? National Security. Iran has had their eyes on Iraq for decades (Liberals forget Iraq and Iran had a major war against each other.)

So, the US invades and controls Iraqi oil. Result, Iran is prevented from getting their hands on it and we have a closer proximity to their borders if we feel the need to invade Persia. We now have our hand directly on Middle East policy. If we keep our backbounds, we can prevent Iran from growing in size and from attacking Israel, which may very well cause WWIII. Iran will never give up their assault on the West because it's motivated by religion. War with Iran and the muslim nations is inevitable. The US might as well take a foothold in their backyard while we can.

Summary; controlling Iraqi oil is in the US' national interest."

MacKenzie said...

There are two things I have to say about Steve:

1.) Clearly has way too much free time

2.) Missed the day in class when everyone was taught that it is required to cite sources that are not well-known facts (such as, "George W. Bush is President.). Considering this, about three-fourths of the sentences in Mr. Willis's letter need to be cited.