Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Too Little, Too Late?

After seven long years, George W. Bush woke up today and decided he's finally going to start acting like a small-government conservative. Get ready for a vicious media blitz from the other side and a fervent battle on Capitol Hill over the next few months. It's going to get nasty.


MacKenzie said...

"Poor kids first," Bush said. "I believe in private medicine, not the federal government running the health care system."

In a message to Congress, Bush wrote that the government's role should be to promote private coverage, "not to move children who already have private health insurance to government coverage."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually agree with him on this one. After reading the article, the veto just makes sense. It is clear that the Dems are trying to appeal to everyone's mushy side with quotes like this from Nancy Pelosi:

"It's very sad that the president has chosen to veto a bill that would provide health care for 10 million American children for the next five years. ... I don't think the president wants to say to the American people that he as the decider, the self-proclaimed decider, wants to decide what children get health care and which children do not."

The government has screwed up so many things. Do we really need them to get into the business of healthcare?

Joe said...

Let the government handle health care? Sure! After all, they've done such a bang-up job with everything else they've tried to do.

I, for one, don't want to die in the waiting room of a state run hospital from an easily treatable disuease like the flu.

Patrick said...

Be careful, Mackenzie, you are starting to sound like us.

You do realize your position is to the right of even most Republicans.

Ryan, what have you been feeding her?

Ty said...

If you want to really help kids, fix the education system, not health care. Government schools teach kids that the government is the solution to all their problems. If only kids were taught that they were the masters of their own future, not the government, then you'd have a lot more kids going to college, getting good jobs, and benefitting from the world's greatest economy. Oh, and they'd be able to pay for their own damn health care.

Government "help" to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.

-Ayn Rand

MacKenzie said...

Pat, that is a frightening thought. However, I figure that since most of my other beliefs are to the left of most Republicans that it all evens out in the end.