Monday, February 20, 2006

Sherman Had the Right Idea

The inspiration for this post came from a Facebook group at UGA named All Those in Favor of Burning Atlanta a Second Time. I usually do not hold yankees in high esteem, mainly because most of the yankees I associate with are tourists.

General William T. Sherman, on the other hand, is one yankee that I can raise my glass to. He had the foresight to burn Atlanta and preserve the city of Savannah, offering it to President Lincoln as a Christmas gift. I propose that we, at BMBS, adopt General Sherman as our Spiritual Founder. This blog was founded on the same principle on which Sherman based his march to the sea; keep Savannah and screw everone else. Also, Sherman's birthday is February 9, only two days removed from the anniversary of BMBS.


Michael said...

If you ever applaud Sherman like that again, I will cut off your balls with a rusty knife.

Patrick said...

This is a tough one. The most hated man in Georgia history. But that begs the question, has Savannah ever really been part of Georgia?

I think the Free State of Chatham should raise its glass to a man who adopted the attitude of the city he spared: "live and let drink."