Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why This Blog is So Sparse

I know why production has slacked off on this blog:

I am miserable because I will never make more than $30,000 a year, and I never do anything.

Joe is miserable because he works at a bank and doesn't go to a keg party every night like he used to.

TC is miserable because he's in real estate. And he's married.

Pat is miserable because he's in law school and is still Pat Holland.

Stephen is miserable because he's no longer bogged down by school, so he doesn't get to play the martyr card anymore.

Will is miserable because he's 24 and has already gotten all he wants. Now it's just downhill from here.

Michael is miserable because he still takes college football too seriously, and Tech has lost to UGA six years in a row.

Tim is miserable because he's in med school and lives in Augusta.


Joe said...

I've been trying to keep material coming in. My problem is, I've become jaded with the Vox Gems. Nothing fazes me any more. I no longer get any joy out of reading dumb comments because they're all dumb. I read Vox Populi and I just despise everyone who calls or writes in. Even the ones that make rational and coherent points piss me off. Why not call someone who can actually make a difference, or actually gives a shit? No, you just call Vox Populi. And you don't do it to bring attention to an issue; you do it so you can show everyone at the water cooler that you got into Vox or, even worse, you do the whole feigned modesty thing and ask around, "hey, did you see Vox Populi this morning?" And no one reads it because no one cares, so you're bummed because no one saw your cute little remark.

I hate Vox Populi.

I've already begun a hiatus to reevaluate and recharge.

Michael said...

I'm not always miserable when I realize that I am not Ryan.

Patrick said...

Ryan, just remember: money isn't everything.

It's the only thing.