Thursday, August 06, 2009

"Watch yer ballothole, man"

I know my posts are no fun. I only want to call out a few more things and then I'll crawl back into whatever hole I recently crawled out of (...from which I recently crawled...??).

Let's review what we have to look forward to in regards to the 2010 election.

-First, and perhaps most alarming: Obama and Holder's justice department dismissed charges against three New Black Panther members who were arrested for charges relating to voter intimidation in PA on election day last year. Bartle Bull, a civil rights attorney and campaign manager for RFK in the 1960's, stated in an affadavit that it was "the worst instance of voter intimidation (he has) ever seen." The men, brandishing weapons, and in full N.B.P. uniform outside of the polling place, informed white voters that they "were about to be ruled by a black man, cracker". They "pointed a nightstick at voters and then tapped their fist with it menacingly." Here is just one video of an N.B.P. "security detail" at a polling place in Philly (these are not even the men discussed earlier!) This is an appalling intrusion on Democracy. The Obama administration's encouragement of this kind of behavior by dismissing all charges against these thugs tells you how much they cherish our individual freedoms.

-ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) publicly supported Obama's candidacy from the beginning of the campaign. As the campaign wore on, they were accused of extreme voter registration fraud (falsifying thousands of registration forms for the purpose of casting illegal votes). Watch this AP Video explaining the FBI's investigation for a quick refresher.

Obama publicly denied any intimate associations with ACORN in October 2008, saying that his campaign "doesn't need their help" getting voters registered. That denial came a mere six weeks after the Obama Campaign had to amend spending reports to officially declare that they had paid an offshoot of ACORN $800,000 to bolster their voter registration efforts. Wow.

Worse still, the same ACORN under investigation from the FBI has volunteered to help raise 1.4 million temporary workers to help conduct the 2010 census. Control of the Census + Control of Both Houses of Congress = Massive Redistricting. That's right, gerrymandering (greatest word ever).

All of the things that you thought would Never Happen In America are happening. No one will ever just come to office and say, "I am fixing elections and silencing the opposition." It takes time for them to build a status quo, and it takes a sleepy citizenry to allow it to happen.

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