Thursday, December 07, 2006

Jack the Prisoner

This is an 8-minute prequel to Season 6 of 24. It's definitely worth watching as it gives insight into what the Chinese want from Jack. The video is pretty dark, but you can see enough to get the gist. Almost one month until the premiere...


HANK said...

don't care

Michael said...

24 = 0

TC said...

That was dark and hard to see, so I could be wrong on this, but it looked like the Chinese army drives Chrysler Jeeps and Hummers.

Joe said...

24 pisses me off.

I saw most of the first season and really liked it. I watched a couple from season two and liked those too, but I was never home to watch it because I had a life. Now if I were to get the dvds and try and catch up by watching 2 episodes a day, it would take me two months to catch up.

24 sucks.

HANK said...

does anyone like 24? (Ryan doesn't count because he's a nobody.)

Patrick said...

24 is brilliant. Period.

Michael said...

Jack Bauer is brilliantly homo.

Patrick said...

I've watched the show for 3 straight seasons and have yet to come across any evidence that Kiefer Sutherland's character is supposed to be a homosexual.

However, even if that be the case, I'm not sure how that makes this still not the best show on TV. If anything, it makes me want to watch it more. I've had secretly had a crush on him since "Stand by Me."

Joe said...

24's Head Writer: "Ok ladies! Ha! I just called you ladies, calling your manhood into question! Anyway girls, here's what you need to do: keep writing shit that doesn't make sense. That's it. You say the President is in on it? You says he's going to assassinate himself unless the Bangladeshi freedom fighters get $400 trillion in Bojangles gift certificates? Brilliant! We can make 24 hour-long episodes out of that."