Friday, March 30, 2007

Iran Is Asking For It

I'm sure everyone is aware of the 15 British Sailors being held hostage in Iran. Iran thinks they are being so clever. Like these hostages would ever make these statements without guns pointed at their heads. Iran has been screwing around way too much lately. Now they've pissed off the Queen.


Patrick said...

Should have invaded them 3 years ago.

They are this generation's Nazi Germany. They are the main source of terrorist funding in the world and are doing all they can to make sure Iraq ends up a failure.

They claim to be so hospitable, yet they forced the female sailor to wear a head scarf. The people over there are flat out crazy. They are living in the the Middle Ages, and that's all there is to it.

HANK said...

The British and Americans won't do anything for these hostages right now because of the bad situation in Iraq.

We are too scared to act, a result of when we care about what the world thinks.

Ronald Reagan committed no such sin.

Unknown said...

Make large parking lots...

HANK said...

My best bumper sticker reads;

"Nuke their Ass and take their Gas!"

TC said...

And I love the position the UN has taken. It DEPLORES this act. Wow. Thanks, UN. We need to get get out of that "organization" and move the headquarters out of the our country.

Joe said...

It's amazing what you'll confess to when you have a Durkadurkastani Islamic militant pointing an AK-47 at your head.