Friday, June 01, 2007


This ambulance chasing personal injury lawyer maybe be fighting a few cases from the other side in the very near future.

Friends, meet Andrew Speaker. Andrew has been identified by the media as the Outbreak monkey in this whole tuberculosis ordeal. I’m sure you’re all aware of how he flew on two transatlantic fights as well as several other flights around Europe after being told not to fly by physicians and the Center for Disease Control.

"Hey, I don't care what Dr. Whoever says, I've got this sweet trip to go on."

He’s recently apologized to everyone and stated that he never meant to harm anyone through his travels. That’s great because apologies cure tuberculosis. Not meaning to infect people with an awful, fatal disease will prevent them from getting it.

I hope nobody was infected with TB through this guy’s selfishness, but if so, I hope they sue this rat bastard. Oh, sweet irony. What a piece of garbage. This guy probably farts on elevators and cusses around kids. Selfish trash.

Also, this young man is an alumnus of a certain university in Athens, GA.


Michael said...

Well played, Joe.

Unknown said...

He is also Jewish...

(based on him being at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver)

tim said...

Did he go to Athens Tech?

MacKenzie said...

Let's not forget the all-stars at Border Patrol who let him pass through even though his passport was flagged saying that he should be isolated and health officials called.

Great work, guys!

Michael said...

Maybe the Border Patrol went to school in Athens too.

tim said...

God, I wish you had a better sense of humor.

Ryan said...

Me, too, Timothy.


TC said...

His father-in-law is the head researcher for that specific variation of TB at the CDC. God does have a decent sense of humor.