Tuesday, September 26, 2006

BC vs. Butler

I was just trying to get a count of who is staying with me and for what nights this weekend. I think that I promised Ryan and Will the "pull-outs" so everyone else can either sleep in a chair, bring a sleeping bag and I might have a blow up matress but I will have to check. We have this MCG thing from 7-10 at a bar in the Surrey center. There will be free drinks, so I may want to leave the BC game early. I am allowed to bring one guest but anyone else who wants to come will be able to get in because I can get someone from my class to claim you as a guest. Just let me know if any of you want to do that as well, but just remember that will require leaving the game a little early. Post what you want to do in the comments section or call me.


Pinkie said...

I will be coming to the game but I will be leaving afterwards to head back to Savannah. Sorry to disappoint but I have a family obligation on Saturday.

tim said...

Also, let me know what time you are going to get into town.

Patrick said...

I'll be there. Probably will get to the Butler parking lot around 6 or so to tailgate. I'll probably leave after the game to go back to Athens though.

Beat Butler!