Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you...

when you found out the Muslim pieces of crap hit the WTC?


Michael said...

At my co-op job while at Tech. Watched the second plane hit live as we had turned our tv on after the first one hit. Then watched both of the towers come down. Our boss came out to see what was going on. After letting us watch it all unfold, he told us to get back to work.

Patrick said...

The first one hit when I was taking a Spanish test at Georgia. I'm pretty sure the second one hit when me and Tim were both in a freshman geography class. My favorite quote from Bush around this time period:

"We're not just going to lob a five-million dollar cruise missile into a five dollar tent and hope we get lucky. We're going to go over there and kick their asses."

tim said...

Yeah, we were in that worthless Geography 1101 class, and I heard some dude that obviously went to Walton or Parkview or Brookwood talking about it. I thought he was just making that shit up just like those types of kids always do.

Joe said...

I had just got done taking a College Algebra test. That was the last class that day. The professor was really vague in his explanation, I think because he didn't really know what was going on himself. He just said that classes were cancelled for the rest of the day because something happened at the World Trade Center. I left after I finished the test and everyone on campus was talking about it. Friends, strangers, everyone.

HANK said...

I was in the library at GA State, studying. All the lights turned out. I fumbled back to the front door. As I approached MARTA, some people were celebrating while riot police gaurded the station. I had to walk home through dowtown.