Thursday, September 29, 2005

Stew's Lock of the Week

St. Paul's Lutheran School -8


Blessed Sacrament School

Don't expect the Lutherans to be as fiery as they were when the 95 Theses were nailed to Wittenburg Cathedral some years ago. This new program has yet to prove itself.
The Irish have at the helm a former tail back, one Tommy Butler. His tenure as AD has seen the rebuilding of a once declining program. Not only have the BSS boys for years fueled the machine that is BC, but they are playing in their own back yard... Daffin Park.
This Saturday's game at 10:00 a.m. is to be a cake walk for the Mighty Irish by 16.

Note: The game will have Kevin Sheehan working the chains.


tim said...

Jerry Simpson you suck about as bad as Jared Simpson. By the way, both of those teams will get beat by the St. James. The Daffin Park kids are never able to hang with the Mayfair kids.

tim said...

Jerry Simspon posted an ad on here earlier but I guess Pat took it off.

Pinkie said...

Best post in awhile. Except, I think you mean BSS -8. The favored team is minus points.

HANK said...

yeah. I'm just making sure that everything I post has at least one mistake.