Friday, September 30, 2005

A Walk on the Supply Side

Democrats, like Bill Clinton, continue to come out of the woodwork and bash the Bush tax cuts. “I got a tax cut I didn’t even ask for, while millions of Americans are struggling just to get by.”

First of all, anyone that didn’t want their taxes cut can be my guest and send a personal check to the federal government in the amount of the difference they’re saved by the rate reductions. If you trust the government to spend your own money so wisely, go ahead and give your money back. Second of all, as a result of the rate reductions, which are giving people more incentives to save, work, and invest, federal revenues are higher than when Clinton left office. Third, entitlement spending on healthcare, welfare, and education has more than DOUBLED under Bush ( Midway through Clinton’s term, the unemployment rate was 5.6% (September, ’95). Any guesses as to what it is right now in September of ‘05? 4.9% ( So I’m confused, there’s more money in the treasury now, MUCH more of our tax dollars are going to the poor and to education, the black homeownership rate is at its highest level in history, the unemployment rate is lower than Clinton’s average, and yet "this is the worst economy since the Great Depression" - John Kerry, “George Bush hates black people” – Kanye West, and "Bill Clinton was the first black president” – Jesse Jackson. Is there any rationale for these kind of statements? Any actual real facts to back them up? Oh yeah, I forgot, there is one huge fact: George Bush has an “R” next to his name.

What else do black leaders want Bush to do? Do they want him to go to each black person's house in America individually, hug them and watch "Martin" with them? How many more dollars do they want us to throw at the problem?

Again, I'm no Bush cheerleader. There's a lot he's done that I disagree with (particularly the out of control spending, most recently illustrated by an FDR-like response to Katrina). But next time you see an Eminem video or hear John Kerry on CNN, remember that these people probably have no understanding of supply-side economics.

1 comment:

HANK said...

Patrick, like, you should be more sensitive to the population's needs. I mean, like, not everyone has the advantages, that like, you have.