Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Bush Budget

First off, all of us here at BM&BS are happy to welcome new bloggers Stephen Leonard, William Fleming, and Ryan Smith. While I have never seen Smith don a pair of top-siders, or heard him blast the Tams from his Mazda Mountaineer, his classic post last night updating us on the status of Nardis proves beyond doubt his worthiness of being a contributor here.

Yesterday, Dubya proposed his budget for 2006, which holds the growth of discretionary spending to a respectable 2%, just under the inflation rate. Such fiscal austerity has not been seen since the Reagan era. The Wall Street Journal praised the budget in an excellent op-ed piece this morning. Fiscal conservatives like myself can finally rejoice; all we need now is for Bush and congress to make the 2001 and 2003 tax rate reductions, which have been led to a remarkable economic recovery over the past two years, permanant. Supply-side economics WORKS, and lower tax rates give the American people more incentive to save, work, and invest in new boat shoes, which, we can agree, makes everyone better off, even if they didn't go to Blessed Sacrament.

As for sports, I'm still pissed about the $50 I lost Sunday night on New England.

We will continue to bring you the latest in our ardent crusade against hair gel, Smirnoff Ice, and John Maynard Keynes; while at the same time praising the likes of boiled peanuts, Natural Light, the Laffer Curve, and Trey Aimar.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Actually, John, it's a Mazda Tribute with a smooth white finish on the front corner as I tried to be a cool guy by turning into my garage at too close an angle.

Stop gambling. All of you.