Sunday, January 07, 2007


* Note: The "Pass in Review" for 2006 is still on its way, I've just been too busy/lazy to piece everything together for the post. Expect it sometime in the coming days. Also, congratulations to newlyweds T.C. and Jennifer Madison. May their marriage be long and prosperous.

As a conservative, while I may strongly disagree with others' opinions, I still respect them, and I want to hear them so I can challenge and debate them. For example, a certain girlfriend of one of our fellow contributors tends to lean to the left. I understand where she's coming from: she truly wants to help the poor, and she has the best of intentions, and I respect that. And I like hearing what she has to say because, if anything, it solidifies my conservative convictions. It reminds me why I don't vote Democrat.

The difference with many Yankee liberals is they often don't want to hear what the other side has to say, because they're convinced their own view is irrefutably superior. Like with the Dixie Chix, freedom of speech is a one way street for these people, and if you disagree you must be some backwards, racist, uneducated bubba.

Such was the case last night at the Knights of Columbus downtown. A woman visiting from Pennslyvania stated her dissatisfaction that there were no females on the altar during mass at the Cathedral. My esteemed colleague (Stephen) immediately took her to task by commenting, respectfully: "well, that's the way it ought to be."

The look on her face was unexplainable. She went into a complete shock because she'd never been questioned on this before. She immediately approached Stephen and stated that she was in complete awe that someone so young could hold such "offensive" views. She questioned whether Stephen "even had a college degree," and if he'd ever been "outside of this area" before, and compared his views to those expressed by the KKK. Typical defense mechanisms for Yankee liberals: bash the South, accuse your views of sounding facist or racist, assume all Southerners are uneducated, the list goes on. Simply dismiss the other side as redneck and inferior, so you don't have to actually (God forbid) have a well-reasoned debate with them on the topic.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me sick. It's not her position that pisses me off, but her complete disrespect of any opinion that may not gel exactly with hers.

Anyway, Stephen debated the woman for a few minutes, not in a harsh, flamboyant tone, but calmly and respectfully. Halfway into the debate, the woman stated she simply "didn't want to talk about this anymore," and returned to her seat.


HANK said...

I was furious after the discussion with the Yankee lady. After the conclusion, she said that I was a sad person. I responded "Ok, be good now. The buffet at the DeSoto is great." She only gave me a sneer.

And to think she made the personal attacks after we served the Yankees free drinks!

I feel sorry for that race of people.

I'm still confused at her KKK remark. Is the ban of women from the altar during Mass the same has lynchings, church and cross burnings?

And I wonder if she realizes we've never before seen KKK members down here? Well, for all I know, Yankees roam the streets eating Italian Pastrami and slices of pizza.

Patrick said...

And by personally attacking you she was employing yet another tactic that many use when they realize they can't win on the merits: attacking the messenger instead of the message.