Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Battle Continues...

As you may have noticed, the list of contributors to your immediate right has shortened a bit. Two of our distinguished founding members, Will Fleming and Stephen Leonard, are no longer with us. Rest assured, the reasons behind their departure were not in vain or related to any ill will among the contributors. Both simply decided it was time to move on.

Over the last two years, Fleming and Leonard played an integral role in shaping this blog. Leonard's tried and true die-hard conservatism will be sorely missed, as will Fleming's commentary on BC and local eating establishments. However, while both have left enormous shoes to fill, I am confident we can and will continue to carry out our purpose.

In filling the political void, I must say I am most confident with the evolution of Joe Wood's role here. Wood's development over the past year from a relatively quiet presence to a staunch defender of the virtues of free markets is very assuring. His cynicism towards blind ideology over reasonable practicality, displayed weekly in his Vox Populi Gems commentary, helps confirms this. And I further can personally testify to Wood's right-minded convictions which were demonstrated yet again last night during a discussion about the affordability of private health insurance while playing bumper pool at Doc's Bar at 2:30 in the morning.

As for the BC side of things, Fleming will continue his regular commentary on Cadet sports over at BC Gottum, which has grown from a small side project to a flagship site in its own right. I wouldn't be surprised if Gottum's traffic regularly exceeds ours on any given day.

So while we wish our first two BMBS "Alumni" the best of luck in future endeavors, this is no time to lose hope. The battle continues...

1 comment:

Michael said...

I come back from Vegas, and this is what has transpired? This vexes me, I'm terribly vexed.