Friday, February 16, 2007

Vox Populi: Gems of the Week

It was shooting fish in a barrel this week. Enjoy the Gems!

BC in VOX:
"Regarding the drama at Benedictine, I'm a 1990 graduate of B.C. and I say bring back the Benedictine priests to run the school or put coach Cannon or Colonel Owens in charge."
- This is just retarded. Not only did he use the term “drama,” but he called out our beloved alma mater in the LOWEST public forum available. He makes a decent suggestion, but come on, Vox Populi?

Dishonorable Mention:
"In the history of this country, have a president and vice president ever been impeached at the same time?"

Dishonorable Mention:
"I am surprised that a conservative state like Georgia would take the step of taxing the sale of a newspaper. Any connection between the government and the free press is outrageous, even if it is only a few cents on a paper."

Dishonorable Mention:
"What happened to state vehicle inspections? Why do we have all these junkers on the road with cracked windshields and fenders that don't match?"

Dishonorable Mention:
"We might finally get the band shell we voted for 14 years ago? Goodness gracious, who wants to go downtown anymore?"

Stunning Q&A:
Q: "Do you spring clean? What is one organizing or cleaning project that you are eager to accomplish this spring?"
"My husband and I were planning to do our windows inside and out. We had a health issue come up and now we are looking through dirty windows. But we are thankful for greeting the morning through those dirty windows."
- What health issue would cause you to have dirty windows?

Third Runner-up:
"It seems strange that annual test scores never reflect the pages and pages of honor roll students we seem to have here."
- Let’s be honest here, how hard is it to be an honor roll student in a Savannah public school?

Second Runner-up:
"Does the merry go round at Savannah Mall run on gas? They're charging $2.00 for a ride."
- Cough it up, you cheap bastard. Let your kid ride the merry-go-round and if you can’t afford the two bucks, don’t go to the mall.

First Runner-up:
"I am a law abiding citizen who went through all of the procedures to file charges against someone who pulled a knife on me. Two years have gone by and I haven't heard anything from the investigator or the district attorney's office. That is why we continue to have such a crime problem in Savannah."
- The police will get to that after they’re finished with the cases where knives were actually used on people.

And your Gem of the Week:
"In order to stop some of the violence in this town, shut the bars and restaurants down at midnight and send everyone home."
- You shut up right now. Don’t even think about suggesting that the city should step in and change ANYTHING about the alcohol laws in Savannah. If you're scared of violence, stay home. It's this same kind of witch-hunting that caused the Statesboro City Council to do away with drink specials and happy hours last year. Keep the booze out if it.

Happy Friday, folks.

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