Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Conservative Daily Show

A clip has leaked on YouTube of the Fox News Channel's version of The Daily Show, entitled The 1/2 Hour News Hour. It is created by Joel Surnow, and one of its writers is Manny Coto, both of whom work on 24. If done correctly, this could be a great show. The clip here is funny here and there, but I noticed a surprising sense of relief watching it. Of course, if you read the comments on the YouTube page, it's a bunch of liberals completely bashing it, because obviously liberals are the only ones who are allowed to use satire.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I wish it the best of luck, but from what I've heard they're thinking of airing it either on Saturday or Sunday nights. Horrible time slot. It would make much more sense to do some time during the week.